Monthly subscription

Email addresses Price per month
1 - 100 Free
101 - 1 000 $12
1 001 - 5 000 $28
5 001 - 10 000 $48
10 001 - 50 000 $120
50 001 - 100 000 $180
100 001 - 250 000 $300
250 001 - 500 000 $520
Subscription 100

No credit card required

  • Verify up to 100 email addresses
  • In-depth verification reports
  • Verify and send campaigns with SendPulse
  • Full suite of verification features included
Subscription 1,000
$15 /month
$12 /month
Buy Now
  • Verify up to 1,000 email addresses
  • In-depth verification reports
  • Verify and send campaigns with SendPulse
  • Full suite of verification features included

Pay As You Go

Email addresses Plan pricing
5,000 $50  $0.0100 per email
10,000 $80  $0.0080 per email
50,000 $250  $0.0050 per email
150,000 $475  $0.0032 per email
250,000 $625  $0.0025 per email
500,000 $900  $0.0018 per email
Pay As You Go 5,000

$0.0100 per email

Valid for 12 months after purchase

Buy Now

VIP plan

Over 500 000 emails?
Contact our sales team to discuss your VIP plan.

 VIP plan


You can verify 100 email addresses every month for free and get a detailed report on your results.

You can also choose one of our paid plans:

  • Monthly subscription (you will be charged for a fixed number of email addresses you can verify every month).
  • Pay as you go (you will be charged for a specific number of email addresses you actually verify. If you do not expend them during a year, they will expire, and you will not be able to use them next year).

To change your pricing plan, determine the features you need and the size of your mailing list and follow these steps:

  1. In your SendPulse account, go to "Email" > "Pricing plans" and select the "Email verification" section.
  2. In the "Email verification" section, select a pricing plan.
  3. Select a currency and specify your payment amount.
  4. Click "Buy."

Yes, you can verify 100 email addresses every month for free.

With the "Enterprise" bulk email service plan, your number of verified email addresses depends on number of your subscribers and purchased emails.

We accept Visa and Mastercard credit cards. You can also pay via PayPal.

To cancel pricing plan auto-renewal, follow these steps:

  1. In your SendPulse account, click the avatar in the upper-right corner and go to "Payments."
  2. Select a pricing plan you want to disable and click "Cancel subscription."
  • With monthly subscription plans, you will be charged for a fixed number of verified email addresses that expires next month. If you commit to a pricing plan for six months, you will get a 10% discount. You can also get a 20% discount if you purchase a yearly plan.
  • With pay-as-you-go plans, you will be charged for a specific number of email addresses you actually verify. If you do not expend them during a year, they will expire, and you will not be able to use them next year.